Does your company need a pick-me-up? Need the staff to BREAKAWAY for a bit? Email us to find out about our corporate fitness programs from as simple as biggest loser contests to entire wellness programs. Our get group testing (body fat test, resting metabolic rate test & VO2 Max test) at reduced rates. Our programs build team morale and relieve daily stress. BREAKAWAY is your corporate wellness escape.

Reduce Body Fat

Through strength training, aerobic exercise, core strengthening and nutritional guidance. Our staff will help you achieve…

Learn Proper Technique

Anyone can go and push weight around, but are they doing it correctly or are they just wasting their time with poor technique?…


If you lack the motivation to exercise, BREAKAWAY is there to help you through those times of “not feeling like it”…

Get Sport Specific Exercises

BREAKAWAY from boredom – Do you need to train for a specific event, race or triathlon? BREAKAWAY will keep your body…