BREAKAWAY also offers CycleFit classes, muffin top and youth classes.

CycleFit class will give you an awesome cycling workout either on your trainer and bike or one of our spinning bikes and you may have some running thrown in. You will also get an amazing resistance training workout with a ton of core all in one session. You will find we do a lot of pull ups, push ups, kettle bell, med ball and weights along with the cardio. You will improve your strength and stamina in no time in this class. Class offered at 12 Noon Friday’s.

Muffin-Top BOOT CAMP: This is a boot camp unlike any other. You will never have a big huge group and you will won’t be stuck on some field. You will use weights, kettle bells, your body weight and more!

Youth Classes: We offer daily youth classes M-Th 4:30-5:30 PM & Sat 12 PM. Go to our Sport page to get more information.

Reduce Body Fat

Through strength training, aerobic exercise, core strengthening and nutritional guidance. Our staff will help you achieve…

Learn Proper Technique

Anyone can go and push weight around, but are they doing it correctly or are they just wasting their time with poor technique?…


If you lack the motivation to exercise, BREAKAWAY is there to help you through those times of “not feeling like it”…

Get Sport Specific Exercises

BREAKAWAY from boredom – Do you need to train for a specific event, race or triathlon? BREAKAWAY will keep your body…