We offer one on one training or you can train with a partner. BREAKAWAY offers a variety of programs. You can train for 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour with a certified staff member. You can train once a week or train as many times per week as you like. You can also partner up with a buddy. Call BREAKAWAY to find out which program is right for you. Come train in either our McLean VA or Sterling VA studio or we can come to you. Sessions start at $45!

You Don't Have To Have A Gym Membership To Do Training!

Or for the self-motivated individual try the Coach BREAKAWAY program. Programs starting as low as $40 a month for online work outs or meet with your coach once a week and receive a program tailored just for your needs for the rest of the week. Fitness enthusiasts or competitive athletes (runners, cyclist, High School and college athletes, triathletes) cannot go wrong with their BREAKAWAY coach programs. Each are tailored to each individual and their sport from a staff member that has been and is still a competitive athlete. You may also receive a year long program to reach all your competition needs. Click here to meet the trainers.

At anytime you can get an assessment of your fitness level or get a package for your company for an overall wellness assessment. We do fitness assessments, body fat analysis, metabolic testing and VO2 Max testing. BREAKAWAY also has Corporate Wellness programs, off and on-site. You can check with your health insurance provider and get reduced rates with your wellness assessment here at BREAKAWAY.

Reduce Body Fat

Through strength training, aerobic exercise, core strengthening and nutritional guidance. Our staff will help you achieve…

Learn Proper Technique

Anyone can go and push weight around, but are they doing it correctly or are they just wasting their time with poor technique?…


If you lack the motivation to exercise, BREAKAWAY is there to help you through those times of “not feeling like it”…

Get Sport Specific Exercises

BREAKAWAY from boredom – Do you need to train for a specific event, race or triathlon? BREAKAWAY will keep your body…